
Ddtank system
Ddtank system

ddtank system ddtank system ddtank system

Any person above level 5 can create his own league by paying the amount of 50,000 gold. League is like a club which has its own members, buildings and levels. Leagues are another important feature of DDTank. Moreover, you do not need to worry about your 50% earnings loss, supporting your virtual children or any other hassle for that matter. If, after that, you sort your matters you can marry again and repeat the process as many times as you want. If you are sick of your virtual other half, just press the divorce button and you are done with them. Also, the divorce system is efficient and easy. In fact, you can have two if you want to. Why should you get married you ask? There is a small boost of experience points when both husband and wife defeat enemies together. You will invite people, hold the ceremony in a marriage chapel, become husband and wife, take care of your SO. After your proposal is accepted, your SO will be sent a marriage ring. On a side note, this system provides overly attached girlfriends and wives a perfect tool to keep an eye on every move of their SO. I am almost certain that married people (who are most likely not the targeted audience of this game) will never fall for this trap as they have suffered in real life too much to fall for it even in a game! Only teens with raging hormones and uncontrolled emotions are going to fall for it. If not, you will be offered medals as condolence which you can keep, sell or trade for special weapons. If you like someone of the opposite sex, you can send them a marriage proposal which if accepted, will allow you to marry that person by sending them a gold ring and a cute letter. It takes you straight to the point where the downfall of a man’s life begins: The marriage. The system cuts out the crap of dating, liking, loving and spending time with each other. DDTank has a proper proposals and marriage system.

Ddtank system